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Kansas Chess Association

The Kansas Chess Association (KCA) is an official State Affiliate of the United States Chess Federation (USCF). The USCF has delegated to each State Affiliate the responsibility for sponsoring and holding (or arrange for) the Official State Tournaments to determine State Championships, including Scholastic Championships.  As such, the annual Kansas Open determines the State Champion and the Kansas Scholastic Chess Association (KSCA) holds all official Scholastic State Championships

Recent News

2024 Grand Tour Announce

Ken Sarner has become RenFest Manager.

Eric Mullins had been appointed VP

2024 Kansas Open Flyer



Upcoming Tournaments

8/10-11/24 2024 Sunflower Open

6/22/24 1st Louisburg Open

6/29/24 KC Free Knights Tourny - gragg9@gmail.com

7/19/24 2024 Kansas Blitz/Bughouse Champ

7/20-21/24 2024 Kansas Open